Delete NetSuite Records in Bulk Using Our Free Suitelet Utility.
Many of our NetSuite customers need to delete records in bulk. We demonstrate one such method in a previous blog post, viewable here. This method works for many use cases, but we developed a suitelet to simplify bulk record deletion. We are offering this utility free of charge to NetSuite users.
The Suitelet utilizes saved searches to determine the records to be deleted. To protect against accidentally deleting unintended records, saved searches must be named with a [Bulk Delete] prefix to be eligible for the bulk delete suitelet. This ensures only those searches intentionally developed for deletion are available in the suitelet.
Upon opening the suitelet, the user is prompted to choose a saved search from a list of searches that meet the naming convention. Once a search is selected, the suitelet informs the user of the number of records to be deleted based on the search results. Clicking the Submit Deletes button will initiate the delete process.

Suitelets act as a custom app within the NetSuite platform. If your users perform time-consuming tasks within NetSuite or entail several manual steps, a custom suitelet may simplify those functions. Suitelets can provide users with a simple form to accomplish previously tedious tasks. Consolidating these steps into a single actionable screen enhances productivity while freeing your team to perform other job functions.
We’ve developed many custom suitelets for customers. How may your business benefit from a custom suitelet? We are here to help.
- Interested in trying our Bulk Delete utility? Download for free using the form below. Upon submitting the form, an email will be sent to the email address provided with download instructions.
- Interested in discussing how a custom suitelet may benefit your business? Contact us here and let’s get started.

This blog highlights some examples of useful Salesforce integrations.
Create Dynamic Links to External System Records in NetSuite.
Automatically integrate website leads into external systems such as Salesforce