Tavasca now supports the Zapier integration platform.
We now offer support for the Zapier integration platform. Zapier integrates thousands of applications, offering customers the ability to migrate data from related systems with no additional data entry required from users. Zapier offers a free plan for customers with a limited number of records to be integrated.
Some common Zapier integrations, also called Zaps, are:
- Send Slack notifications to channels when certain events occur within applications.
- Send automated emails responding to events.
- Add new leads to marketing lists when a lead is created in a CRM platform.
- Create calendar events.
- Sync customer records between CRM and financial systems.
Below is an example of a Zapier task that responds to new Salesforce Case records. When a new Salesforce Case record is created, Zapier creates a new Jira Cloud Issue containing information from the Salesforce Case. It then creates a new Slack Channel message informing support users of the new Jira Issue. Slack users can then link directly to the new Jira Issue to begin work.
No manual user input is required to create the records within Jira and Slack. Within minutes of the Salesforce Case being created, Zapier automatically creates the Jira Issue and Slack Notification. Downstream users are made aware of the new Issue almost immediately, assured that the data within the Issue is sourced directly from the initial submission. There is no potential for human delay or error, so downstream users can begin addressing open items as quickly as possible.
Interested in learning more about the Zapier integration utility and how your business may benefit from it? Fill out the form below and we will be in touch.
This blog highlights some examples of useful Salesforce integrations.
Create Dynamic Links to External System Records in NetSuite.
Automatically integrate website leads into external systems such as Salesforce